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U18 Sevens Entry

Kuflink Kent Schools’ U18 VIIs

Wednesday 5th March 2025
Gravesend RFC and Gravesend GS

Entry fee: £30

Established rugby schools play in 4 groups. involving 4 group games, allowing a league result.
Each team gets at least one further game in a knock out stage.

Developing schools play in two groups involving 5 games, allowing a league result.
The top two teams, in each group, progress to a semi-final and final.

Event limit is 20 for established schools amd 12 for developing schools.

The first 20/12 schools that have entered and paid will be accepted for the events.
Subsequent applicants will be put on a waiting list in the order of their request being received.

Fields marked with an asterisk * are required

Competition Entry Details

School Name *
(As you wish it to appear on the web)
School Telephone No. *
Contact Forename *
Contact Surname *
Contact Email Address *
Contact Mobile No.
Contact Home Tel.
(Home telephone numbers are not published and will be used only in an emergency; eg late cancellation)
Has permission been granted for the players to be out of school for the whole day? *