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"Safeguarding" covers all aspects of “duty of care” to young players
  • Coaching and playing practices that are not unduly risky, including compliance with Age Grade Regulations
  • Avoidance of physical and emotional abuse
  • Avoidance of verbal abuse
  • Having appropriate measures in place to deal with injury
  • Avoidance over playing
  • Risk assessments for activities; including travelling, state of pitches, and so on
  • Avoidance of poor practice
You may think of other issues that need to be considered

Develop a "safeguarding aware" culture amongst your colleagues, helpers and parents

Some of these issues are discussed elsewhere on our website. Indeed many pages on the site refer to activities that have implications for welfare.  

Playing / training in an appropriate age grade, etc
The requirements of the Age Grade Regulations appear elsewhere on our website, under RFU Regulations, but you can reach them from here too  Reg 15 – Age Grade Regulations
The Regulations should be read in conjunction with the associated Guidance:  (The link takes you to a raft of Regulations; You need to scroll down to Regulation 15, then through the Appendices - evevtually finding the Guidance!) 

Verbal / emotional abuse
Look at the section on Behaviour > My Magic Kit

Here, we concentrate on four areas

1  Seeking to ensure that adults helping youngster offer no threat

2  Compiiance with Health & Safety legislation

                                                        3  First Aid

                                                        4  Learning about concussion